A scheduled event to go live,
before the corona came alive…

Tickets were bought,
50 or more not a whole heck of a lot.

But enough to make it worth the show,
Were everyone would go.

Then the virus came,
Shutting everything down the same.

The choice, which was forced upon us,
By mother nature making a fuss.

Most of the world thought it was the worst
As if we all had been Cursed.

Then an idea came,
Since nothing was the same.

Let’s put our event live online,
And everything will be fine.

All for free,
The magical key.

The event went from very small,
To extremely tall.

Who would of every known this virus was a magic key,
Bringing life forward more than one could ever see.

Thousands of people showed up,
Filling up their magical teacup.

This is where beautiful people came,
Life would never again be the same.

It just got BETTER,
A Universal Love Letter.

Brought to us by a higher source,
Who else… of course.

Now we learn how to truly love,
All from the answers above.

Trusting what has been sighted,
Was definitely Divinely guided!

Divinely guided from above,
Showing us how to Truly Love.

Divinely guided from above,
Showing us how to truly Love 💞

Written by
Cynthia Toet
FlipN Life Cheerleader